Franklin has had only a little documented about him and his progress from newborn with troll hair to acne riddled infant with comb-over to the chubby cherub he is today. I haven't kept a baby journal for him, so I need to really catch up. He's by far been our most difficult baby. He has always wanted to be held more and cried more at naps and night time. He also has always had difficulty nursing. You would not believe it by looking at him, but from the start I called him a "lazy latcher" and have had pain and discomfort nursing him. When he grew so much (he's been in the 95th percentile or higher since birth) and the pain lessened slightly, I figured he was getting enough milk and did not seek anymore help with his nursing. A couple of incidents lately have led me to investigate a little further and I believe he is tongue tied. It may be a slight case, but it definitely has my radar going and I want to investigate further. His pediatrician (who declined to actually look at his mouth closely because he was "not cooperating") says that even if he is tongue tied, it's not a big deal and isn't he eating mostly solid foods now anyway? Well, this mom isn't going to take that for a final answer and I will keep you posted on that.
At 8 months old, he has 8 teeth! That is the fastest my kids have gotten their teeth. That further exacerbates the nursing problems. But he handles solid foods well- we went from baby foods to some real foods pretty quickly! First Cheerios were yesterday at church. Awwwww.
He also has problems with constipation and when he eats a full meal and strains to go- he throws up instead. Not pleasant and a little worrisome as well. He had his first non-food item to end up in the diaper. A silver Hello Kitty sticker. It was untarnished. I am sure it won't be the last.
For the most part, Franklin has been healthy and a fun baby. He is a lot like the little girl in the nursery rhyme who was sometimes very very good and sometimes horrid. When he is fussy, he can be a real pill- but when he's happy, he lights up the room. He continues to love his sisters and their entertainment. He adores his dad and I can't nurse one second that Stephen is around. Franklin would much rather be watching for dad than eating.
Over the last few months I have taken several pictures of his cute chubbiness. Here is a whole big line-up.
I LOVE his dimpled elbows- they are less so now . . . boo
One of my favorite moments is when they find their toes!!
Fat knee caps are so adorable . . .
You can see why the nurses are always delighted to give him shots. Super fat thighs!
Doing my yoga moves
Favorite toy- hand drum. I worry about the South American glue he likes to suck on . . .
He loves pounding on anything and making noise- so different from my girls.
I am obsessed with his little hands and the dimples on the backs of them
Ticked off because I won't let him play with the camera
Closer!! Yess!!!
Ok, socks instead
Can I tell you something?
I am so done with this photo shoot. Check out my muffin top. . .
Pincher grasp! I was so excited when he pulled this one off.
Up, up . .
We have been blessed to get the best hand-me-downs from friends in the ward. He is the best dressed person in our home.
Kiss goodbye!