Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Me:  "That's a BIG mess, did you make that big mess?"
Franklin:  "I, little boy.  You, big mommy, (pointing) big mess."

Me:  "Are you poopy?"
Franklin:  "No, I not poopy"
Me:  (checking) "Oh, you're right, you're not poopy.  You're a smart boy."
Franklin:  "No, I little boy."

Franklin:  "Milk.  Please."
Me:  "You have to wait a minute."
Franklin:  "Milk!  Please!"
Me:  "Just a minute.  You're going to have to wait."
Franklin:  "Milk!  Please!"
Franklin:  "NO! MILK! RIGHT! NOW!"

F-R-A-N-K-L-I-N is how we spell trouble around here.

Appropriate, isn't it?  Thinks he's in the driver's (or pilot's) seat
When the girls found out we were having a boy, they said "now we'll have our prince to dance with!"  He's finally big enough, but he's the one wearing their ballet shoes . . . . 

Franklin loves to sing several songs in "staccato", Twinkle, Twinkle is his favorite

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Long weekend

Stephen and the girls had a four day weekend, so we tried to make the most of it without actually going out of town.  It's much nicer to sleep in our own beds at night we've decided while Franklin is so little.
See the Picasa Web Album HERE.  I actually took 307 photos over the 4 days, so be happy the web album only has 44 . . .
We took the ferry and drove to Sequim and walked along the Dungeness Spit for a little while.

 Then drove up Hurricane Ridge which was amazing and just the burst of sunlight we were craving.

  Had some good seafood before heading home.

Saturday Stephen fixed some plumbing problems we've had for going on 2 years.  Hip hip hooray for not having to call a plumber!!!
Monday we finally used a voucher to go to the Museum of Flight- Stephen is such a plane nut, he knows them all!  The kids loved it and Odessa wants to have her 8th birthday there now.  Who knew?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What I heard this week

I must have done something that I was pleased with and said "yay" or something because Franklin responded with:   "Good job. (pause)   Good job mommy, good job."
We have to be creative at keeping Franklin at the table- he never eats dinner . . . 

Ada forgot the snack she fixed for herself inside the house.  I had reminded her once and I am trying not to remind my kids of everything 15 times- it drives me insane and I don't think it really helps them remember . . . So as I was pulling out of the driveway, I was calmly telling Ada that remembering her snack was her responsibility, not mine.
Me:  (seeing the neighbor's house)  "Oh crap, I forgot Brenda's thank you notes"  (pulling back into the driveway)
Ada:  (without missing a beat) "Well, remembering the cards was YOUR responsibility.    While you are in the house, you can get my snack!"

The girls like to have us quiz them with simple addition and subtraction problems, Odessa is practicing for Math in a minute tests at school.  So a lot of meals are spent doing math.  This morning:
Me:  (to Odessa)  "What is 7 minus 4?"
Franklin:  "Free!"
We all laughed and laughed.
Stephen counts with Franklin when he wants him to wait (like while getting his diaper changed).  So through repetition  he knows some numbers.  The following happened while getting shoes on for school.
Ada:  "what's 1 plus 1?"
Franklin "One!"
Ada:  "No, what comes after 1?"
Franklin: "Twoooo!"
Ada:  "So what's 1 plus 1?"
Franklin:  "Twooooo!"
Ada:  "What's 1 plus 2?"
Franklin: "Twooooo!"
Ada:  "No, what comes after 2?"
Franklin:  "Freeee!"
Ada:  "So what's 2 plus 1?"
Franklin:  "Freeeee!"
Ada:  "What's 3 plus 1?"
Franklin:  "Freeee!"
Ada:  "No, what comes after 3?"
Franklin:  "Freeeeeee!"

And they were stuck at "freee" until we headed out the door.