Wednesday, February 10, 2010

don't ever read this book to your kids

We used to have a real problem with demanding little girls. A while ago Stephen started shouting "NO!" at the girls when they DEMANDED something like "get me more milk" without saying "please". It always shocked them and only took a couple times for them to learn to say "please".
Then I checked this book out from the library without perusing it first:

It's called Eat Your Peas Loiuse and this little girl won't eat her peas until the very end when her Dad says "please?"
Now Odessa says "No" over and over when we ask her to do something without saying "please" every time. Drives me nuts and if you are of the opinion that parents shouldn't always have to say please, I recommend avoiding this book when you see it.


mandy* said...

I was thinking about that the other day. I ALWAYS remind Cohen to say, "Please." How often do I say it?? Not very often at all. One day he's going to catch me.

And thank you for the advice...we'll avoid that book.

Danielle said...

Nathan is really good at Thank You, but not please. In fact, I don't think we've ever even tried to work on it. It's funny all these little things you have to think about as a parent so that your child doesn't grow up to be horrible and rude. :)

Larsen said...


Michelle M said...

I say please fairly often, but I agree that parents shouldn't always have to say please. We give the orders, not the kids!

Ericka said...

I am of the opinion that whatever I say the kids should do (or not do if that is the case) whether I say please or not, I am the mom and I don't have to say please every time. However, my husband has a differing opinion. He thinks we should always say please. Too bad (for him) I am the one home all day with the kids!

Steve and Nancy said...

I don't think saying please as a parent diminishes your authority. Shouldn't we model the behavior we want our children to adopt? Nancy