Last week was the pits. I got this flu/cold from Odessa that turned into a really sore throat and no voice. I didn't have a fever, so I took my turns teaching preschool since it was my first week to teach. Not the brightest, but I felt ok enough to teach and didn't want to bum out on my very first week. Thursday we did a nature walk which included me pushing the loaded stroller up a steep hill to a park. Thursday night Stephen has meetings and so that night I was dealing with a very cranky baby and trying to get dinner for whiny 4 and 5 yr olds by myself. After dinner I was feeding Franklin and the girls were getting ready for bed. Since getting his teeth, Franklin has bitten me occasionally while nursing. My tried and true methods of training him NOT to bite have not seemed to work on him. Thursday night he bit me hard on both sides and after the second time (after shouting "NO!" and bopping him on the nose) I just burst into tears. He did not seem phased. The exhaustion of the whole day and feeling sorry for myself just came crashing in. I let myself enjoy a good cry for a few minutes.
Pretty soon Odessa came in: "Mom, we're wai-ting." (I was supposed to read them books).
Me: I just need a minute
Odessa: (following me into my bathroom) Why are you crying?
Me: I'm just having a hard time (using the phrase they use when having a melt-down)
Odessa: A hard time doing what?
Me: . . . being a mom
Odessa: (looking at my bathroom counter-top for a few seconds) Well, have you taken your vitamins today?
That response is SO Odessa. Instead of saying "awww, I'm sorry mom- let me give you a hug" like my other daughter would have, she looked for the obvious solution.
I burst out into giggles and thankfully, the worst of that week was over.
Oh my gosh...Tara, I'm sorry. I dropped my mom off at the airport this morning and now I'm free to come over and be your maid. Make dinner? Hold Franklin? Wash, fold and put away your laundry? Name it...I'll do it! I'll call you later. Love you!!!
Austin was quite the biter and I couldn't get him to not bite. It was so bad I would dread nursing. I ended up drying up (I like to joke that he scared the milk out of me) and we were forced to switch to formula. It was SO AWESOME. :) I am a huge nursing fan and I really stressed about the whole not nursing thing, I felt like a total failure, but man did I love the freedom of bottles. I'm not telling you you should wean him, what I'm trying to say is you should cut yourself some slack if you are feeling overwhelmed. Some mom-days just plain suck. Hang in there! (and take your vitamins)
I've had a few good cries too of late. It must be going around. I love that Odessa made you laugh about it. My kids have been at the root of most of my tears and my greatest joys.
Matter of fact. Love that Odessa.
Go Odie!
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