Monday, April 30, 2012


The flu season has not been kind to the Hunt family.  Ada has been perpetually sick.  She is still recovering from her last bout- last week she did not change from her PJs, go anywhere or eat for 4 days.  Fever and throw up this time.  I have had my share of worries about her- she seems to be our child of "delicate health".  I am chalking it up to her being exposed to Odessa's kindergarten germs and all the combined germs from the 2 other families involved in Joy School- their older siblings are in 1st and 2nd grade and I think a whole slew of new germs have been introduced to her this year.
Here are some conversations we have had lately:
I had explained to the girls what the word "contagious" meant- that something was easy to get.
Out of the blue one day Odessa says:  "The Dollar Store is really contagious"
Me:  Why do you say that?
Odessa:  Because it's full of things that are easy to get!

Ada- while lying on the couch one day said "I am pretty sure I know why I keep getting sick but I don't want to tell you and have you get mad"  (this disclaimer often precedes a confession in our house).
Me:  You can tell me, why do you think you keep getting sick?  (I was actually hoping for a specific incidence here that I could blame for the illness- she'd been sucking on the cart handle when I wasn't looking?  Hmmm, impossible.)
Ada:  I lick the lip gloss off my lips.
Me:  Don't worry Ada, that's not it.

And here's a random one that may only be funny in our family.
Fridays is popcorn and movie day after school.  We had a whole bowl of leftover popcorn because "sickie" didn't eat any.
Two days later:
Me:  I bet I know who would like this stale old popcorn.
Odessa:  Franklin?
Me:  No
Odessa:  Dad?
Me:  No
Ada:  You?
Me:  No
long pause . . . .
Odessa:  Sister Bingham?
(she's a sweet older lady that sits near us and helps with the kids)
Me:  (laughing) No!  The chickens!  (and they did)

1 comment:

Cara said...

Having sick kids is never fun. I hope you have a happy birthday anyway.