Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Yesterday was our first official day of summer (as in no school summer- the real summer weather has yet to appear).  It was magical somehow.  The girls turned off the TV and decided to throw me a party- I have no idea why.  They made a banner with M O M on it, they put up streamers, they gave me a present, made a pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and set up a treasure hunt.  We played UNO and had leftover cake from the night before.  Ada helped me make bread, they didn't fight, I wasn't mad, it was one magical day and IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN.  I just know by the time Sept 5th rolls around I will be so happy to send them both off to school, but yesterday was magic.  Ada even lost her first tooth last night after Family Night.

Today we had a horseback riding lesson- I got 3 lessons for each of them through Groupon for a huge steal. The girls were over the moon about their experience and their horses and chattered the whole way home on the long drive.  Odessa looked around at all the cars on the freeway and said "wouldn't it be cool if everyone rode horses instead of cars, then we could ride horses every day".
Me:  Odessa, that's the way they used to get around, there was a time when there were no cars.
Odessa:  NU-UHH!!!  (she was so shocked, she could not even imagine a time without cars).

Tonight at dinner we had Huevos Rancheros and after a luke warm reception, I asked the girls "See, you liked this ok, we could have it again, right?" (I am trying to eat on the cheap and use our eggs in more creative ways).
Odessa:  (grudgingly) Yah, we can have it again, but not any time soon, ok?

Franklin keeps interrupting me to bring me the book "I Stink" about the garbage truck and saying "I teen . . I teen"(his version of I Stink).  So I have to stop and read it to him over and over.  I love that he is trying to say words!

Ada woke up this morning and came out of her room crying.  "THE TOOTH FAIRY DIDN'T COME!!!"  Oh my goodness, who are her AWFUL parents?  Chase them into the street and shoot them!  And now we know where the middle child complex comes from . . .
So today she wrote a note completely on her own accord- it reads:
"Dere:  Toth Fairy,
I hv lost a tooth.  This is not a a fake.  Pes (please) tak (take).  From Ada.  For Toth Fairy.

She is convinced that the tooth fairy thought the bag she put the tooth in was just garbage and that she needs to be laying flat on her back in order for the tooth fairy to take it.  Stephen and I disagree strongly about things like Tooth Fairies and Easter Bunnies and Santa Claus, but I let him have his way for now and he plays it up.  The tooth fairy had better set an alarm tonight.


Mandy said...

I can't wait to hear about the riding lessons. Also, Ada's note is adorable!!!!

Lisette said...

Hooray for Stephen!! I could see him being a wonderful tooth fairy.

Chadwick and Julie said...

Morgan also loves the book about the trash truck. Tuesday is her favorite day of the week because that is when the trash truck comes to our house!

Pillowgram said...

You will have more Magical Days. You have such cute, creative kids! Enjoy the magic of each day.