Thursday, September 6, 2012

Oh, in ten years . . .

Any parent knows that you have thousands of moments each week when your kids fight or do something you wish they wouldn't and you sigh and wonder if you'll all make it through this child-rearing in one piece.  To help counter that, every once in a long while you have moments that make your heart melt.  My first heart melt moments were when Ada learned how to laugh at Odessa- the 2 of them giggling together were worth all the times 18 month old Odessa tried to smother newborn Ada with a blanket.
I already had a memorable moment yesterday when Odessa wanted Ada to pick out her outfit for the first day of school (can you just see it when they are 15 and 16 and screaming about who borrowed whose sweater?!).  There are many days Odessa lauds her age and 1st grader wisdom over her sister and tortures her with the fact that she has best friends at school.
Today I was blessed with another moment to counter those mean girl moments.  For the first 3 days of kindergarten, 2/3 of the kids go home each day and 1/3 stay for assessments so the teachers can see where everyone is at.  Ada got to stay today and we were talking about it at breakfast.
Odessa:  (to me) so Ada gets to go to lunch recess today?
Me: Yes
Odessa:  (excited) Ada, want to play with me at recess?

Me:  Happy sigh.  Moment recorded.


Lisette said...

Siblings actually wanting to play at recess.....WOW!!! Good job Tara.

Chadwick and Julie said...

Your girls are adorable! I just hope I can make it through the newborn phase to get to the other phases of life....=)

Alyssa said...

So cute!!!!