Sunday, February 20, 2011

Last chance

I try and not blog on weekdays- been really busy with this job lately which should change the second week of March.
I finally updated all my recipe photos with the recipes and reviews in the previous post. Here is what else we have been up to:

The girls set this all up themselves, so I had to take a picture.

We went with our friends to a YW fundraiser. Some young women in a ward in our Stake put on a Valentines dinner/dance. We had a really good time! The food was better than we thought it would be, they watched and fed all our kids in the nursery and we got to boogie to a few songs. They made a gazillion of these chocolate roses- that is 2 hersheys minis and 2 kisses- so adorable.

I had to make a few sugar cookies. We had choir practice, a youth fireside at our house and my daily need for a cookie at 4pm to worry about. We got all the bases covered.

This past weekend was busy with Missionaries dinner, baking bread, chili cook-off (I combined 2 recipes for a green/white chicken chili that didn't win but was very good) and cinnamon rolls for early morning choir practice (yes, I am done baking for choir for a while). In fact, I am done cooking for awhile altogether. We have leftovers galore from all the soups and breads.
Plus my back has been giving me a ton of pain lately- I can't sit, stand or walk for long without feeling like it's seized up or something. Transferring weight from one leg to another is hilarious- my pregnant waddle makes it seem I am must be in my 9th month of carrying twins. I have back braces and may go to the Physical Therapist soon . . . been sleeping on the recliner full time for a while now.

Biggest news is that we got our first egg today!! Stephen noticed a chicken fussing around under a rhodedenron bush and when he went to inspect found a warm egg there! This started a full blown, real life Easter Egg hunt around our yard in case those chickies had been tucking them other places. No other eggs yet, but that is ok. Now we know we need to put fake eggs or golf balls in the nesting boxes to encourage them to use those instead. (and yes, Odessa dressed herself up like that while I was napping and wore it out in the yard)

Pretty huh? I have lots of other thoughts about our yard which I want to post separately.


Larsen said...

a real live easter egg hunt sounds fun!! tell steve i said hi!!


Larsen said...

that is nuts-- a real hunt for eggs like that. fun!

pillowgram said...

I missed baking Valentine cookies this year. I should have come to your house.