Monday, October 20, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Trespassing!

Friday we went with Kate and Inge up to Kate's hometown, Snohomish to go to a pumpkin patch. The only one we could find had an entrance off a main road. When we pulled in, there were some farm workers leaving through the gate that had a closed sign. We asked one about the pumpkin patch, but apparently he didn't speak much English. He pointed and let us through the gate. We were puzzled by the closed sign, maybe this was just a farm entrance or something. How could a big pumpkin patch not be open at 11am on a Friday? We pulled up and it was obvious that they really were closed- no other cars, no workers. Hmmmm. What would you do? We had been in the car for about an hour with 3 little girls who were really ready to be OUT of the car. So we thought "what's the harm in getting them out and taking a few pictures?". So we did and we had a really fun time. There were wagons and lots of pumpkins and some good mud. The girls loved it and we snapped away taking pictures. We were there probably 20-30 minutes when a tractor pulled in through the gate. A farmer got out and started marching towards us. He was pretty upset, it turned out. Apparently he didn't like people just letting themselves into his patch! Once we explained (a couple of times) that someone had let us in and we had just meant to get some photos and didn't mean to create a liability for him, he finally calmed down a little and realized he'd sounded a bit foolish over-reacting. He even snapped at us in Spanish when he was pointing out his Spanish speaking workers wouldn't have understood anything we asked them! So we left under truce-type conditions, both parties a bit contrite (I am sure us more than he). I was surprised that him being mad at us didn't phase me more. That sort of thing usually gets my adrenaline up and shaking and gives me a sour stomach. It must be all that public tension I am witnessing with the political debates. Desensitized me.
It was a very fun excursion despite our mishap and my grouchy kids. Snohomish Valley is very pretty and it's always so refreshing to get out into some open country. I think that's why we were always going up to Wisconsin when we lived in the Chicago area! I told Stephen he has to go back with me to Snohomish (don't you just love saying that word?). But this time we will avoid the off-limits pumpkin patches.
We turned around and they were all spontaneously holding hands. So cute.


Kate Otterstrom said...

Oh Tara. I have yet to post about our little adventure. It took me a couple of days to get over that one because I felt so bad about it. I'm glad that you enjoyed Snohomish! It is fun to say Snohomish. I loved growing up there.

Corey said...

Too funny! We love the pumpkin patches in Snohomish too! Craven Farm is our favorite. Sorry for the mishaps!

Dancewear By Heather said...

cute pictures! There's something magical about pumpkin patches!

Ericka said...

Your girls are cuties!

OneBrilliantGirl said...

Ha Ha! Now that is a great story. Glad you at least got in some good photos! ;)