Friday, April 9, 2010

Of course, why didn't I think of that?

Monday morning after being in the house 3 days:

Ada: I want milk to drink.
Me: Sorry Ada, we are out of milk- that's why we have to go to the store.
Ada: How about bread?
Me: We're out of bread Ada.
Ada: How about apple?
Me: We're out of apples Ada.

Thankfully, this little talk motivated her enough to get her shoes on and get out to the car!

Me: Odessa, do you want to see pictures of your new baby cousin?
Odessa: Our baby?
Me: No, your cousin.
Odessa: When are we getting a baby boy?
Me: I don't know, maybe someday.
Odessa: I want a brother.
Me: Why do you want a brother? Did you know mommy never had a brother? Just sisters.
Odessa: (looking at me like I was dumb). For ballet! You need a boy to dance with.


Corey said...

Funny, Hyrum's reasoning for having a baby sister is the same. I say if you end up with another girl and we end up with another boy next we should just trade! They are all blondies, who would notice right??

Sorry to hear that Ada's sick! Bummer! The offer still stands though if you aren't able to find a nice set before you need to do your next loads. :)

Larsen said...

That is funny. Hope you are well!

mandy* said...

Let's put the girls and Cohen into dance together. He could probably lift both of them in the same dance move!

Danielle said...

I love your girls' conversations.
I hate it when I feel too busy to even go to the grocery store and that one thing the kid wants is gone and he doesn't get it. If we lived closer I'd totally bring you milk. :)
Good luck washer/dryer shopping. I hope you get an awesome set.

Kristin said...

That is hilarious! I miss you!