Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pluses and minuses

  • The house had to be cleaned a lot and there is a lot of stuff that still needs to be removed, hence very slow unpacking.
  • Ada fell asleep with gum in her mouth which traveled to her hair. No scissors were used, much screaming and crying ensued.
  • The previous owner took the washer and dryer and I am having hard time finding a used front loader.
  • Ada threw up as we pulled into the driveway yesterday- all over car seat and self. NEED A WASHER.
  • We would like to get going on a garden, but have no tools . . . gotta get some of those!
  • Our computer was having fits before we moved and I will be without a computer while we either get it fixed or GULP buy a new one. ick.

  • The house shines up like a new penny, places I thought were stained were just dirty and I am happy they look much better!
  • We can drop a box on the floor at 11pm and not worry about anyone hearing it.
  • We got to have our friends and her mom over for Easter dinner (they brought almost everything and we ate on paper plates) and the yard was perfect for an egg hunt.
  • My parents are coming this weekend and we are going to work and play! yay!
  • We can pound a nail into the wall and not worry about anyone hearing it.
  • Our neighbors are nice.
  • The kids can cry out at night and we don't have to worry about anyone hearing it!
  • I got a good microwave last night for $5- couldn't be happier. Now I can defrost at 4pm like usual.
Stephen walks though the house when the lights are all out and sometimes there is light through the skylights and he marvels that we have a house. He really is loving it- all of it.
Me? I am just trying to keep my head above water for now! lol But things will get better . . . . I may get a new washer!


Ericka said...

I know the feeling. I felt so overwhelmed when we actually took the plunge! But I love having my own home, I even love going out and weeding, who'da thought? And hopefully you have the credit to look forward to from the government, free money is always a plus!

Beth said...

Yeah! I've been missing your blogging voice.

Sounds like a lot of fun. Enjoy your company!

Becky said...

Yay for a new house. Can't wait to see pics when you get a second (yeah right...time to yourself, what's that??)

Michelle M said...

I defrost an hour before dinner, too! Ha ha.

mandy* said...

I'm so glad you are feeling better about the house. I was worried about you... I can't wait to see it. Enjoy every minute with your parents! Miss you.

Corey said...

Sorry you've had to do so much work besides just the usual unpacking. That's kind of like when Jeff and I moved into this apartment. The last manager was a huge slob and didn't clean it at all before she left. We It took us two full weeks to fully paint, scrub every surface, replace the carpet and blinds, and then we still found things we missed after we moved in. It's funny though since now we focus on turning over apartments and making them nice and new looking for each new tenants it's like why wasn't it like that for us when we moved in???? Oh well! I hope you find a fabulous washer and dryer! Do you have a laundry mat close by? If not, and you feel like a visit you can always come over here and hang out while you do laundry. We've got 4 washers and 5 dryers and so it makes doing laundry really fast. But being all coin-operated, I'd hate to add up all the money I've spent on laundry over the years. I've probably spent enough to own my own fancy set by now!! Hope all the rest of the moving in and settling down goes smoothly! We miss you guys!!

Larsen said...

I have also been missing your blog voice.

I am glad you are able to clean up the house and it's not all permanent stain. that matters.

Sorry about your computer and the vomit and all the other minuses. Good luck on the washer hunt!

Kim Dewey said...

Oh how I remember those first few months after buying our house. You feel like are constantly bleeding money!! We had to buy everything: washer, dryer, fridge, lawn mower, EVERYTHING. We decided not to scrimp on our appliances because we knew we would have them for a while, and we have never regretted it.

And yes, a front load washer is ssoooo worth it. Although, you don't need the same high-end dryer to match. We bought the step down dryer because it was about a hundred bucks cheaper but just didn't have a digital display --- no big loss.

If you need a fridge, I would HIGHLY suggest a freezer on the bottom. LOVE IT! It is so much more practical. Although, it would be a while before kids could get anything out of it (maybe that's good, maybe it isn't, I don't know yet, ask me in a few years).

The one thing we did scrimp on was the lawn mower. We got the lower end one that isn't self-propelled. It's fine, just takes a lot more muscle to get it up a hill or turn a tight corner. You can certainly skip the gym on those mow days!

Ok, this is a lot of un-solicited advice . . . sorry.