Wednesday, July 28, 2010

O, Idaho (yes, I love you too Canada)

I can't believe how busy this summer has turned out to be. It's like when you wake up early and so you mentally think you have all this time to get ready and get out the door, and then you are much later than you would have been if you had woken up late. My summer feels that way. I went in to it thinking we didn't have a lot on our plate except a couple road trips in July, but now every week we've been home has felt packed.

Last week was spent in Boise and Donnely ID for the Hambelton reunion. All 3 of my sisters and their families were there, 20 of us in all. It was a super great time together and I am looking forward to these reunions every other year for both sides of the family. I will admit this is important because I went to both reunions with that usual worry about family drama. My fears were for the most part unfounded and I also will admit I know a lot of the drama can start and end with me, myself and I- so I made a goal not to let that happen.

I loved to see the budding cousin friendships, I loved playing all day on the beach, I loved not feeling guilty eating all the good food my sisters and mom cooked, I loved taking pictures of 1 year old Finley and seeing the 150+ slides from the 70's and 80's my parents scanned. Good times. Between these 2 trips to Idaho in one month we had 2 sets of family photos taken in the same shirts, I got 2 Hawaiian shaced ices, 1 TCBY waffle cone. Some things must be done while you are in Idaho- shaved ices and TCBY being on the top of the list.
While staying in Donnely, we spent a good deal of time in McCall which is a family tradition. When we were growing up we spent part of every summer and winter there, either camping at Ponderosa or staying in our friend's condo which she graciously loaned to us at least twice a year. I LOVE MCCALL. Some of my best memories were made there.
We wrapped up our week in ID back in Boise with the Hunts at the Fife family reunion. We got to see lots of cousins, Aunts and Uncles on Stephen's mom side of the family.

Uncle Brian entertaining the kids with corporate team building exercises?

Stephen is the guy to wrestle, no matter which side of the family we're with

Tiny girls taking on giant Jeff!

No explanation needed, just "ahhhhhhhhh"

Just stay clean for pictures!

"there were never such devoted sisters"- don't we all look supremely happy with life? (Ok, I just look smug.)

Since being home I have started working for a research group putting together power point presentations. I have just started this enterprise, more to follow as I really get going. A family member works for them and introduced me . . . and I am really excited about the opportunity to use some skills and make some extra money.

We've also finally used our motorless, heaterless hot tub as a kid's pool and broken out the slip in slide. Now if only it would stay warm enough to use them more often! Stephen uses his spare minutes to work on the chick-Mc-Mansion which will house 3 very comfy chickens someday.

We went on our first fishing trip Saturday! No pictures because the battery died : ( Our friend Hermes who is much more experienced with fishing spots around here went with us to Lake Washington. The girls have been practicing with their poles for months, so they were pretty good at casting, but I forget how much of fishing is getting the darn lines straight and hooking worms or "glitter mallows" as they use now. Alas, no fish. We are determined to try again. Fishing in the sound is the next challenge although I think we would like to go camping and fish in a river or stream too . . . more our Idaho style. I am seriously thinking the neon yellow glitter mallows would look awesome in some Rice Krispie treats . . . .


Becky said... times! So fun to see you guys the other day..the software is on its way, let me know when you get it!

Michelle M said...

We've been having reunions galore this summer, too. It's fun seeing everyone, but yes it makes summer seem so busy, too.

bosslady said...

It was great to see you at the reunion. No drama "for the most part"--what drama was there? What did I miss? Then, "hope it's hot enough to use them" Is Seattle not getting this sweltering heat that is gripping the nation? It's looking more and more likely that we will be visiting you next summer. :) And finally, "neon yellow marshmallows" What?!