Thursday, June 30, 2011

Photo shoot

Franklin is outgrowing clothes so fast, I have been taking pictures of him in almost every outfit. I just hate that some of the adorable hand me downs or brand new gifts are not getting much use! Thankfully there will be 2 new boys in our ward by next month. He's also started smiling, so of course I have been whipping out the camera quite a bit. My favorite part of life right now is that we don't have to be anywhere or do anything on most days. What freedom! The girls are good to play in the backyard and of course get their quota of PBS kids. I am happy to be spending most of my time holding Franklin and even getting early morning naps.
I've had a number of friends or family members lose their babies or almost lose their babies over the last year and it's made me so aware of what a miracle it is to have a baby at all and makes me cherish him all the more. When he makes eye contact with me and smiles I get weepy- every time. Really hoping some of these hormones tone it down a little or I am going to have to get water proof mascara. Seriously, I am so very grateful for the miracle of a healthy birth.

Now a funny story about Odessa:
Saturday nights is is a program called "Swing Years" on NPR and Stephen likes to listen to it. They were playing a song sung by Bing Crosby and he started his famous whistling. Odessa was in the bathroom brushing her teeth and I heard her call in a voice that sounded just like she was 5 going on 15:
"Dad, that's enough whistling already!" (you could actually hear her rolling her eyes)
Me (from the bedroom): Odessa, Dad is outside- that's the radio.

Odessa: (long pause) Oh.

Ok, enough egg pictures already! But seriously, this is the biggest double yolker we have ever gotten, it's almost fully TWICE as big as the other eggs. Can you tell in my hand just how big it is?? Can you imagine the poor chicken laying this??

Tiger bottoms

Lion bottoms

Click on the collages to make them bigger- sequence is left to right, top row, then bottom
All smiles for the family until the girls got a little too close

The girls LOVE dancing for Franklin and he sat in that swing and watched them for almost an hour - without it swinging. That bottom left corner photo of Odessa was an impressive spin on her tippy toes! Last photo is totally posed : )

Got through his 4th Sunday like a champ! (the previous 3 consisted of at least one hour of crying)

Ahh, favorite photo of the week


Beth said...

Precious photos! Get you some mascara, Tara.

Cara said...

Beautiful post and beautiful kids. And I feel for that poor chicken, my "double yoker" was a pretty tough birth too. :)

Steve and Nancy said...

Yea, he's smiling! I love the way his hair sticks straight up in the back. He is so adorable and so lucky to have two sisters who love to entertain him! I agree with Beth, you should get water-proof mascara because your tears are totally appropriate. Nancy

Mandy said...

He is such a cutie pie!!!

Becky said...

He is ADORABLE!!!!

Lisette said...

Those eggs are crazy, they do not even look real.

awtitera said...

It's so fun to have a boy, isn't it?? He has great hair!

Larsen said...

He is getting so big! Love that last's great!

Alyssa said...

Cute Cute Cute! I just want to eat him up!