Monday, June 13, 2011

Back at it

Stephen has been home the last 3 weeks- keeping us all busy and having tons of fun. So much so, we took an overnight trip to the WA coast. Franklin slept 7 1/2 hours in the hotel room! Must have been the sound of the ocean. LOL We even took the Forks tour of some of the houses from Twilight - I posted those towards the bottom. The trip highlights: kites on the beach, Irish pub with probably the best clam chowder we have EVER, EVER had, old people love newborns, rainforest prettiness, fun diners, and finding a million camping places, hiking places and small towns we want to re-visit.
Today I am back on my own. It's 1pm and everyone is dressed and alive. Keeping it real: Having help is great, but there are drawbacks too I think everyone will admit. If there are 2 things that help kids behave, it's boundaries and routine. When other people take care of your kids, those all change. I realized this the first week Stephen was home. I thought "why are the girls fighting so much??" Anyway, it was a great learning time for all 5 of us. Stephen learned it's hard to deal with 4 and 5 yr old girls all day. He took them all the time, full time. Once when I finally made my appearance with Franklin, we were all eating lunch together (breakfast for me) and Stephen read a magazine while I fielded the girls' questions. I asked him if the magazine was that interesting? He said "sorry, I am just glad someone else is interacting with them". I knew JUST how he felt! And now he knows how I feel too when he gets home at the end of the day.

A funny series of pics caught when he just woke up and was passing gas happy

Long suffering Tabby, the "queen"

First Sunday outfit, I got a haircut, big sisters helping out

Hunt grandparents photo shoot

Ada turned four!!

"Hey!! Ballet shoes!!"

Demo-ing the gift

Ocean Shores WA, our hotel in the background

Bring your rain coats to the beach in WA!

A minute later she got knocked over by a wave- she couldn't have been happier, or dirtier

A girl with her kite

Mom at the beach

We took 2 drives into the rainforest on the peninsula and the kids took a nature hike with Stephen while I fed Franklin
The Olympic peninsula has 3 major economies, timber, fishing and giving Seattlites speeding tickets (no joke)

Forks visitors center

The other truck- the one they used in the movies

This was my view while nursing (lol) I hope I didn't end up in other people's pictures

By the end of the drive that day, I did need a date night! Look at those cheeks

"Swan's house"

At the hospital

"Cullen's House"

Same shirt on Ada- she is much older than Franklin above!! Thanks Bri!

Second Sunday- Thanks Mandy!!

"Grandma Linford" came for a visit


Aunt Alyssa said...

Sooo aborable! I just want to eat him up! And love the mom cut. The picture of Odessa on the beach is like a commercial - she is such a classic beauty! And yes I remember the Donut shirt on ADA! Such a cute family.

Mandy said...

Can I come see him????

Steve and Nancy said...

What a fun trip! The pictures remind me of our trip to the Oregon coast when Stephen was about 10 yrs old. Great memories! I love the T-shirt with the tie on it. Franklin is changing so fast. I can't wait to see you all again. Nancy

Pillowgram said...

What fun pictures. They tell so much of what is happening in your life. I am glad you had such a fun outing. The girls look like they had a ball. It was really nice Stephen could be home for a while.
It will be fun to see Franklin again. He is changing so much.

Beth said...

Great pics--especially fun to see your baby.

Lisette said...

I love the one of Ada with her kite. I am happy to see you had some great family time together.

Anonymous said...

First, I read this entire post.. Be proud.

Love the beach pics! So cute
Also, isn't that "cullen" house actually jacobs house?