Sunday, March 6, 2011

My own boss

I was really proud of my kids this week. They seemed to handle my work schedule really well, they woke happy and played together well. They played outside, they were super good at all our outings. But right now Odessa is throwing fits about not being able to "be her own boss" and I want to pull out my hair. I think tomorrow I will let her be her own boss- she can get her own breakfast, fold all her own clothes and in general take care of whatever she needs by herself. We'll see how that goes.

Nothing too major this week- fortunately I passed my 2 hr fasting blood sugar tests- whew. They took 3 samples of blood- I have great veins, but it doesn't matter how careful you are, I will bruise. Looks pretty nasty. Felt pretty nasty too to have gotten up before 6:30 and drink 100 grams of straight sugar on an empty stomach. I had to put my head down on a table and just snooze for a little while. They make you sign a waiver that you might pass out, so you agree not to hold them liable if you leave the premise. Awesome.

Stephen planted raspberry starts, blueberry bushes and a full size peach tree yesterday. We got 3 more eggs this week. Somehow those chickens only lay for Stephen. I checked their nesting boxes one afternoon and he came home and checked them like 2 hours later and there was an egg. He has found all of them! Seems unfair when I do my share of waddling out there in the freezing cold every morning to help Odessa feed them. Plus I food process all the scraps we save out for them into one nasty bowl of stinkin mash which they LOVE and come flying from all over the yard for. And yet no eggs for me. (yes, I now have to sort our garbage into 4 containers: scraps for the chickens, compostables we can't feed the chickens, recycling and garbage. Hilarious.)

The girls and I got to attend a children's theatre play Friday. There is a friend of ours from church that is in this theater group and we have been able to attend 3 of his plays- it's really nice of him to offer to get moms from the ward in. The girls LOVE the plays and he gave us a couple of the CDs from them for Christmas- we listen to Princess and The Pea and Snow White on a daily basis. Those songs are the first thing that pop into my head in the middle of the night when I invariably wake up. Sigh.

I almost forgot- the best part of this week was finding the strollers we wanted for the next baby on Craiglist for a fraction of what they would have cost us new. We are trying to be minimalists this go around- just a snap n go for when he's in a car seat and a Maclaren umbrella for when he's bigger. Super duper excited about the deals we snagged- THAT makes my week.


Danielle said...

McLarens are THE-BEST. I have 2 of them (single and double) and I can't say enough good things about them. :) We've never had more than a snap-n-go and an umbrella stroller (well, okay, I do have a crappy jogging stroller which I hate and never use) and that's always been enough for us. I hate those giant monstrosities that just look awkward to wheel around.
You must post about how this "being your own boss" thing works out for O. I am already laughing.

Suzy A. said...

I LOVE our Maclaren umbrella stroller!! So easy to travel with and take to crowded places.

Kim Dewey said...

I am with you on those glucose tests. Seriously . . . it's okay to starve a pregnant woman, force her to drink the most concentrated sugar concoction you can make, and then poke her with a needle to drain half her blood but it's not okay to go down a simple water slide?? Really?? I bet if you looked into it, you would find that this test has its roots in some medieval medical practice. I always have to plan for an extra half-hour after that test to recover from my inevitable near-blackout.

Beth said...

Congrats on passing. PHEW!!!!

Nicole and Scott Kesten said...

maclaren umbrella... best best best!!!!

Larsen said...

WAIT...IT'S A BOY? YOU KNOW?? Did I miss that post?????? email me.
or text me 208-523-5970

Heather said...

I used to bruise really badly after getting blood drawn, until one guy, after drawing my blood said to keep hard pressure on it immediately and for at least 2 full minutes. Next time...teeny tiny bruise at site of needle poke instead of half my arm bruised! glad to hear you are doing well! so excited for you!