Friday, September 30, 2011

What's growin'?

This post is about how surprised we have been with the fruit growth this year- we did not expect all the trees and plants to produce the first summer after we planted them.  We've had a lot of changes lately- Odessa in Kindergarten, Ada in preschool.  More about them and Franklin further down and some sad news too . . .

We got 12 peaches and about 15 apples- mostly Honey Crisp!  mmmmm 
The strawberries went bonkers once we stopped pinching the blossoms - we have gotten a few raspberries and they continue to grow!

Since our tomatoes did poorly last year, we are especially proud of them this year- the beefsteaks have been delicious!  And we didn't dream we would get any blueberries the first year- we got about 8 is all.

When I was out taking pictures one day, I realized fruits and veggies aren't all that have been growing.  This picture is bittersweet- poor Tabby died last night, we don't know how, but we will bury her this evening.  She was found on our neighbor's lawn and doesn't look like she was hit by a car.  So sad, I have been crying  quite a bit today . . .

Odessa on the first day of Kindergarten.  She came in all dressed at 7:15 that morning- she was so excited.  Ada does Joy preschool 2 days a week.  I have to teach next week!  ack.

Odessa has had an interesting adjustment to school- of course all the disappointments and frustrations from the day are internalized and come out at night- tantrum city.  But we are slowly getting used to it I think.  The first time she got a hot lunch, she bit into a plum and lost her 5th tooth.  That was pretty exciting for the whole class of course- apparently they all wanted to see the bloody plum.  She was student of the month and got to eat a popsicle with the principle, but just complained that she missed recess for it.  Yesterday Jackson S.  (not to be mixed up with Jackson C.) told her she looked "fabulous" while they were sitting in circle time.  Yes, Kindergarten has been good to Odessa.

She's still coming up with money making schemes.  She started washing the eggs when she brings them in and decided she should advertise as an "Egg washer"

Odessa:  "I will charge 5 cents per egg . . . . but . .  .(switching in to an infomercial voice) if they call right now, it's free!"  That killed me- she has watched probably 10 commercials in her life and she wants to buy every single thing she sees.  
And here's the star of the show.

Franklin will be 5 months Oct 5th, he weighed 19 lbs and was 28 inches at his appointment a couple weeks ago- yes, that is like 98th percentile and WAY heavy for me.  He keeps growing out of clothes before I even get them out.  He has cut his 2 bottom teeth and has been waking up at night constantly (we're working on that one).  A friend asked me to describe his personality.  He is such a boy.  He laughs like a boy and farts like a boy.  His poops are so forceful they actually sound like small bombs going off in his diaper.  There is a grunt, then a BOOM!  He thinks poop is hilarious, if you say poop he laughs and laughs- such a boy.  He loves attention (last child syndrome?) he whines if I so much as turn my back on him to make dinner.  So I have worn him in a sling a lot more than my girls.  He loves to snuggle something in his face- he's finally getting his first stuffed animal soon.  He wants his fingers in his mouth constantly and drools incessantly.  When he is happy, he is really happy.  When he's cranky, he's very cranky.  He loves the girls and I can't even nurse when they are around very often- he won't eat.  He also won't eat if I try and read- he looks at me as if to say "focus please, this is all about me right now".  Yah, so that's Franklin.  We call him Franco the most.
This shirt says "St Stephen's Knights"

I've been having more than one cooking disaster- 3 kids really throws me for a loop

Still loving the cloth diapering system, especially with this drying rack Stephen made- goes under the eve of the house so even when it rains they don't get wet.  The UV rays do great getting out poop stains and air drying saves on electricity.  Oh, that makes us sound even more like Hippies . . . 

3 of the salmon Stephen has caught this summer at a beach about  1.5 miles from us.  I can't tell you how cool it is to eat dinner knowing it was swimming in the Ocean that morning!

Blackberries from across the street and our take of strawberries for a day
We decided to boil the last double yolker we got- so funny!


Kim Dewey said...

We are soooo related! Last week I took a similar photo of overflowing bread dough, except mine was in the pan rising in the oven. I was in such a foul mood after that!

We are super excited to see you guys in a few weeks. I regularly quiz Raine on your names, using the photos on your blog, and she has them down. She is so excited to dance with Odessa and Ada!

Oh, that reminds you have a Halloween costume Raine could borrow? She is a 4T. If you do then I won't have to worry about packing one, if not no big deal.

Steve and Nancy said...

Bombs going off in his diaper? I don't remember thinking that about my baby boys diaper habits. Franklin needs to be all boy so he can be a real prince for his all girl sisters!

Congratulations on all the fruit and produce and eggs growing on your property. You have really been blessed.

I am so sorry about Tabby. When one of our dogs was killed by a car, I was surprised at how difficult it was for me and the kids. Pets become part of the family and when they die, it is a real loss.

Cara said...

Love the pictures of your kids. Franklin has such a cute smile. And good job on all the produce!

Chadwick and Julie said...

You must sleep well at night! I love reading about all of your activities and things the girls say.

Alyssa said...

So sorry to hear about Tabby. Abbey gets so excited when we sees a cat or dog. I know she met a lot to you all. Great pics - give those kids a hug for us!

Lisette said...

I love that Odessa complained about missing recess. She just cracks me up!!