We've got some down time while our house guests attend a wedding. The girls finished this big puzzle and immediately Odessa hopped up on it like a stage.
Odessa: (talking into her reflection in the glass of the TV) Ladies and Gentlemen, we seem to be having some problems, please be PATIENT. (then she left for "back stage").
I asked her where she learned that?! From the ABC Richard Scarry video from the library.
So then they proceeded to act out bits and pieces of the sing along video.
Both of them stood together on the "stage".
Odessa: We are opposites, I like one . . .
Ada: . . . . and I wike the other.
Odessa: My room is clean . . . .
Ada: . . . . and my woom is messy!
Ada: (singing) Up and down, up and down. (bobbing like an Umpa-Lumpa).
Odessa: Over and under, over and under, watch how we go over and under!
Every time Stephen asks me where Odessa learned something, I usually roll my eyes and say- PBS of course!
Two nights ago I asked Odessa what 1 plus 1 was.
Odessa: 2??
Me: Yes! (surprised) What's 2 plus 1?
Odessa: 3??
and so it went, all the way till ten. Last night we were determining whether she really understood the concept of adding or just figured out the pattern.
Uncle Chad: What's 3 plus 1?
Odessa: 20??
Maybe she needs a little more TV time. ha ha
Yeah for childhood education from the tv! I'm all about that!
Mom and dad wrote
We are looking forward to a fun weekend with those two little princesses. Let the imagination role.
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