Thursday, June 17, 2010

When your kids threaten to not be your children anymore

Conversation in the car earlier today.

Ada: Mom, I want some gum
Mom: No
Ada: Please I want some gum?
Mom: No Ada, you already had a piece today.
Ada: Well . . . . I really want something to chew.
Ada: Well, if you aren't going to give me a piece of gum, I am not going to be your daughter anymore. I'll just walk away from you . . . . . . and my bike . . . . . and walk on the sidewalk . . . . and cross the street by MYSELF . . . . . . then I will go to the other sidewalk.

Odessa: Ada, I will miss you.
Ada: Yah.
Odessa: A car will hit you!
Ada: Well, I am very brave. If a car hits my elbow, I will be very brave.
Odessa: You might get flat.
Ada: I think I will be on top of the car.
Odessa: No, under the car.

This went on and on about the logistics of "the hit". I was just busting up in front. Finally, it was decided.

Ada: Ok, I will stay.
Odessa: Good.

Whew, that was close.


Ericka said...

That is hillarious! I loved it! I can't wait for Charlie to be able to have conversations with Jackson. I am glad that she was convinced to stay.

Corey said...

At least they just talk about leaving on those own and don't actually follow through with it....yet. Maybe that's the difference between boys and girls. Your's think things through ahead of time and test the water and mine just DO IT. Yeah, not too proud of all our wandering off around here. Odessa seems very logical and smart to want to keep her sister safe. In our house Jonah usually comes up with the plan and Hyrum just follows along. Uh, not to wise to have a 3 year old make decisions for the two of them. At least they play well together and have lots of fun, however adventurous it may be.

mandy* said...

I cannot handle how funny your girls are. You should record some of their conversations.

Danielle said...

We had a good laugh here. I like how they try to *reason* with each other. It's nice how you don't even really have to be involved. :)

Becky said...

Hilarious!! I'm glad she didn't cross the for another day.

Becky said...

hahahaha love that! Let them work it out!

Larsen said...

That is absolutely HILARIOUS! I was dying!

Catelyn has tried that stunt on me too...silly kids.

bosslady said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Best story ever.

Michelle M said...

Wonderful story- hilarious! Thanks for sharing!

Alyssa said...

Ok - they are wondering why I am laughing so hard at work...priceless!