Saturday, June 12, 2010

Yard work- ughh

Our computer has had a complete over haul. Better last another 6 years . . .

Things are warming up in Seattle, it's wonderful. Some of the plants in our garden are popping up. The girls are taking swim lessons in Magnolia and doing really well. Odessa is in the 4 yr old class, and Ada follows in the 3 yr old class and they both have the only male teacher- Owen. Ada tells her dad over and over about what she did at swim lessons and that "you know what dad? He's a BOY TEACHER!" She loves Owen. I was thrilled to find that 4 of my friends from my old ward have their 3 yr olds in the same class as Ada. Good times chatting by the pool.

Stephen's parents, Nancy and Steve were here last week/weekend. They helped us haul all the brushes and trees Stephen has cut down since moving here. There were 3 truck loads to the dump! Then there were 3 truck loads to the dump of fencing materials. Stephen is now pulling out the ivy between our backyard and the neighbors and that will go to the dump too . . . the square footage of this yard relative to the amount of plants that need to be constantly removed from it seems impossible.
Stephen, Steve and Brian (neighbor) built the side fence. We still have to finish the back although the posts are in, so technically the hard work is done. I can't believe all the yard work that was done last week! I had no idea . . . . even the old fence had to be cut into pieces to be hauled away . . . . so much work. Thank goodness Steve and Nancy were here. They helped so much. The girls are pretty independent and so they will work and play by themselves, so I don't have much excuse not to join the fray outside. I thought I would love yard work once I had my own place. I think it is a learned love.
While my computer was down, I read some books. I recommend the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and The Hunger Games. I re-read Sense and Sensibility for various reasons.
I got called (or asked) to be the chorister in my ward (congregation). This is how the conversation went:
Bishop: We'd like to extend the call to you to be ward chorister of the West Seattle Ward.
Me: You're joking, right?
Bishop: No
Me: This is a joke, right?
Bishop: "laughing" No
Me: You realize I have no musical training whatsoever, right?
Bishop: It doesn't matter, I feel very impressed that this is the calling you should have.
Me: Well, ok then. . . .
Turns out I am ok at this calling and even though my knees actually, physically, knocked together during my first time conducting (another "literary" moment), I think I will enjoy it. The organist I work with is the coolest, I couldn't ask for a better partner. She made "bok-bokking" noises at me Wednesday night when we practiced "The Day Dawn is Breaking" and I decided against it for this Sunday. Too chicken. I think it's hilarious that she is already teasing me. I would not even flinch being up in front of my friends in my old ward, I know they would love me no matter how much I messed up. But I hardly know anyone yet in this ward, and that makes it more nerve wracking. Oh well. I am always practicing at odd moments throughout the week, so you might catch a glimpse of me conducting to my dashboard at a stop light or while I am doing the dishes with one hand at the kitchen sink. If my neighbors didn't think I was crazy before, they do now.
Forgive the following LONG series of pictures and captions- I am making blurb books out of my blog, and so it's become more important to me document things I really want to remember.

The grassy patch where we put our garden- after Stephen cleared a ton of holly, a bush and some other tree. The girls were most likely digging for worms- see below. She LOVES worms. Gross.

The grassy patch after digging up all the sod. Now it's a garden and little things are popping up.

Side fence that needed replacing, the huge pile of stuff Stephen dug out of the yard, the back fence with debris also in front. All the debris and old fence is gone now, it's amazing the difference.

The house with the rhododendrons finally in bloom, and azaleas in the back yard, bushes on the side- whoops, double photo. Oh well, I am not doing the collages again.

Afterward: Bushes are gone, side fence is done!

Sidewalk chalk is the new favorite thing. Odessa has got her first and last name, working on her middle name. lol

They are both really into dancing, see Odie's pouty face? She was mad Ada has a tutu

Grandpa dancing with the girls, they love having a prince to dance with!


Michelle M said...

The new yard looks great. I strongly dislike yardwork, even when we had a house in Provo- I still didn't work on it. Derrick (and my mom whenever she visited) did all the work.

If Odessa needs a tutu- you can make one very easily with a strip of elastic knotted into a waistband, and cut strips of tulle fabric to tie onto the waistband. Tulle is only $1.49/yd at JoAnn- one skirt needs 2+ yds, depending on how full you want it. You can make a tutu for just a few dollars (especially if you use a 40% JoAnn coupon).

Beth said...

Maybe all that yard work will keep Stephen at his day job and satisfy his dream of being a "farmer."

Your yard is looking great!

Fun calling!

Skeptical about the potato peel society . . . . you'll have to give some more convincing argument.

Corey said...

Wow, you guys have been hard at work! Total yard make over! I love it when you can change something like that and totally make it your own. It looks like a great place for the girls to run around and play.

Good luck with your new calling! Just remember Bro. Blackham and always were something really jazzy and eye-catching, well that is if you want to stand out. He's the best, I swear it's his way of advertising for his clothing store. Hope you have fun with it!

Danielle said...

That is a SWEET fireplace. I love vintage stuff like that. :)
I really am jealous of your yard and your girls' independence.
It was good to see you Saturday, glad you guys are doing well and hope your pickle bucket didn't stink up your car on the way home. ;)

Nicole and Scott Kesten said...

officially caught up on your blog.. love odies face in the ada's dancing pic... hilarious!

bosslady said...

Good job on all the yard work... but what I really love is your fireplace. That is awesome, different stonework, I love it.

Alyssa said...

Wow - people here kill for those azaelas and rhodedendrum - they look great!