Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Newest member of the family

SIKE! The ultrasound isn't until tomorrow. Even then, don't know that I will have pictures of the future little Hunt to post. Meet Ella Lilly- our new cat. We got her totally randomly- let's just say her owner couldn't take care of her anymore. It just so happened we were planning on getting a cat the same week Ella came to us. We had promised one for Odessa's birthday since she has been asking for a pet since she was . . . . hmmm . . . . able to say "doggie"? A cat was the compromise. Much less work and stink than a dog. Ella has been a very skitterish, very good cat- she's a teenager by cat standards we think. Need to get her spayed and checked out and then she can go outside more. Going to be a great mouser we hope. Very good with the girls.

The girls got an art easel and they have been painting nonstop. This is "Ella" by Odessa

She likes to cuddle- sometimes

Snow last week was such fun for the girls and wreaked havoc on the roads. It took some people 8 hrs to commute home, cars were abandoned. Stephen walked the 6 miles home from work because all the buses were stuck behind cars that couldn't go over the bridges. Being Stephen, he didn't walk though- he jogged.

It's fun that we have a few inclines in the yard that made great sledding trails

On a different note:
Stephen's Grandpa Fife passed away 2 weeks ago and the funeral was Nov 27th, which just happened to fall on Odessa's birthday. Stephen flew to Boise Friday after Thanksgiving, so we celebrated Odessa's birthday early on Wed before Thanksgiving. It's been nice to hear all about Grandpa's life from stories and things that Stephen shared from the services. Although all will miss him, especially Grandma Dove- he has been ill for a while and it was a blessing I think that his suffering came to an end.

Odessa's birthday:

She got her coveted ballet slippers

An umbrella from Ada

She finally got to open the package that came from Grandma and Grandpa- it was a raincoat with horses. I think she would have been just as excited if it had been an educational book- she just LOVES getting packages and mail!

She wanted the "fruit cake" like mom got on her birthday. Little does she know they come from Chinese bakeries in the International District near Stephen's work LOL. She loved it . . .
On her actual birthday, the "girls" went out for fun. IKEA playland for them, IKEA shopping for me. Lunch was Odessa's choice- Chinese food. She got to take her birthday money from Grandma and Grandpa to the $1 store and get crafting supplies- yippee!

And finally, the Thanksgiving feast that I promptly refused to eat leftovers of. I am definitely going to do something different than turkey next year! We had a nice meal with a friend away from his family. Hope yours was joyful!


Beth said...

why walk when you could run?

Michelle M said...

The 8 hour commute in the snow is not an exaggeration. My sister was commuting from downtown Bellevue via bus, and she didn't get home until 1 AM!!