Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What a deal!

We needed curtains for our living room- big purchase, big decision, big deal. We also have big leaks in our 33 yr old windows that needed to be blocked. Plastic on the windows needed to be covered despite the excellent plastic-ing job Stephen always does . . . .

Small business Saturday (after black Friday): Went to IKEA to check out curtains (don't judge, also visited small businesses later) - the curtains I wanted were all sold out.
Cyber Monday: Get ads from JC Penney- window treatments 60% off! Find some online I like. Stephen wisely suggests we go in and look in person.
Monday night: Fall in love with a totally different curtain: Studio Trilby design in Huckleberry color. Love. But it's only Buy one, get one 50% off- nothing like the online sale.
Tuesday morning: Check online- Huckleberry all sold out and discontinued online. Boooooo.
Tuesday afternoon: Return to Penneys to buy curtains. I am told if I wait until Wed, I can open a Penney's account and save another 20%. I put them on hold.
Wednesday night: Return to Penneys, FINALLY buy curtains. Hip hip horray.
Saturday morning: Buy curtain rod and hang curtains. Love curtains.
Sunday: Decide we would love them even more if there were 2 more panels- 4 is just a little skimpy and they are too flat.
Monday morning: Call Penneys to see if they have 2 more Huckleberry panels and if they are still on sale.

Sales person: No, they are not on that sale, but they are on a better sale now.
Me: Really? I bought 4 last week, any chance I can get the better price on those?
Sales person: Yes, if it was within 7 days we can make the change.
Me: Really? I also applied for the Penney's card to get the 20% off, any chance that would also apply? (I learned these skills from my mother. If you don't ask, you never know)
Sales Person: Umm, yes that should be ok.

Monday night: Take receipt to Penneys to buy two more panels. Turns out the new sale is 50% off! Saleswoman returns the previous four panels, rings up all six, gives me the 20% off (on ALL of them- which I was not expecting) and says: "I now owe you $.07- that will have to go back on your card."

I walk out the door with two new panels and a $.07 credit. Oh, what a joyful, joyful season.


Danielle said...

Amazing how curtains dress and warm up a room, eh? After living here for 4 years, I keep wondering why I never put up curtains...ah well.
Funny, I was at Ikea that same day. :)

Beth said...

They are lovely!
Congrats on your great deal.

Michelle M said...

Those curtains are beautiful! AWESOME DEAL-HUNTING SKILLS!!

mandy* said...

Those curtains look AH-mazing!!! I love them. Please come to my house and work on mine now. I'm begging you.

pillowgram said...

What a wheeler dealer! Good job! I like the curtains.

Steve and Nancy said...

I once heard from a jewish friend of mine that "you mormons are more jewish than we are." This is probably raceset but I think your bartering skills qualify you as a #1. Great job, great find, and they look great. You can barter form me any time. My practice is fore sale I think I need you to write the contract. Love Papa Hunt

Ericka said...

I love those curtains! I am going to look at my pennys to see if they have them!

Adele Austin said...

Wow! Even Nathan would be impressed! (Mr. self-proclaimed King of the Wheeler Dealers!). They are beautiful. Love reading your blog.

Alyssa said...

You are the queen of deals - impressive! And they are becautiful! Do you want to help me find curtains for the master bed, the baby's room, the stairwell..... :)

Alyssa said...

afer I read this - we checked jcp for curtains and found the perfect set in about 5 minutes. I've been looking for months - thanks!