Monday, October 19, 2009

Leavenworth Oktoberfest

As before mentioned, Stephen is really into anything German. We've always wanted to visit Leavenworth, a little village done all in Bavarian style. It's about 2 1/2 hours+ Northwest from Seattle. Last weekend we took off early to enjoy Leavenworth's annual Oktoberfest, held each weekend in October. The town is filled with cute shops, but they were jammed with people and even if they hadn't been, they were not kid-friendly. It's the kind of place you want to go with your hubby on a long weekend. The Oktoberfest included access to 3 stages of German polka type music among other kinds and the opportunity to buy lots of beer and really bad bratwurst meals. We decided they probably don't get quality food because after you've had enough beers, it tastes good anyway. Needless to say, since we don't drink, the experience left quite a bit to be desired. We had a good time listening to the music and watching the dancers, but their craft and vendor booths were pitiful. I would never pay to get in again, but that's experience. Later we did the river walk and saw the spawning salmon jumping around in the water! We also ate dinner at a great German place before we left, so some good German food was had all around.
I would love to go back around Christmas time when I understand the whole place is decorated.The drive up there was beautiful, and this was just through the car window
Every shop is in the Bavarian style, even banks and hotels!
Too bad Ada ducked out at the last second, this would have made a great Christmas card- LOL
Bringing in the kegs
Watching the Leavenworth dancers
Doing their own version

Taking the slide upside down

Salmon splashing in the river


Nicole and Scott Kesten said...

why are those big fish so close to edge.. stephen could probably have gotten them by hand. waiting for that to be your next post!

stephen vs. fish

Tara H said...

ha ha Nic! They were spawning- they are going to die soon anyway and NOT GOOD EATING when they turn red and spawn. Plus it's illegal, I am sure. In fact, we were surprised there were a couple people with dogs that I am sure were disturbing the fish- that's probably illegal too.

Dancewear By Heather said...

how fun, I can't believe how big your girls have gotten! I guess that's what happens while we aren't having any McKay reunions lately!