Wednesday, March 3, 2010

While we are waiting

Stephen has been busy managing the muddle that is taxes. I have been swamped with paperwork for the pending home purchase. Meanwhile, our kids keep us laughing.
Odessa has been working on writing her name. The "s-s" keeps her on her toes.
Ada is finally re-potty training. One method I am using is a) running out of pull-ups, forcing her to use undies and b) letting her wear a dress without anything on underneath since my friend discovered without any clothes, kids will rarely just pee on the floor. It's the security of the underwear, clothes or pull-up that they rely on and pee on.
So Ada spends some time parading around the house singing: "Bare-naked bottom! Bare-naked bottom!"
She is good to go #2 in the potty. One day when I was helping her she warned me: "There's a lot of poop back there! Be care-ful! You might get some POOP on you!" She was so matter of fact about this, it sounded like NASA instructions being given by a two yr old.

Ada has started giving up naps. One day when I told her it was quiet time with books in bed, she asked: "Well, how about Loud Time?"

Odessa was coloring at the kitchen table and I was in the living room. A dog barked as it walked by outside. She jumped down from the table, ran over to me and said "I think that barking is saying (cupping her hands to her mouth and shouting) 'Odessa needs a dog!'" It was hysterical.


Larsen said...

That is funny! And with that awesome back yard, maybe it's time for the dog. Or another kid, maybe a boy.


Becky said...

funny girls! Hate it when kids give up their naps...I hear about these kids that take naps even in Kindergarten and long for kids like that. Alas, I have the non-sleeping version of children.

bosslady said...

Odessa cracks me up. Who knew she could talk dog?!

mandy* said...

Oh my gosh - how do you keep a straight face around your kids?? They are hilarious!!!!

pillowgram said...

Kids are great entertainers. I miss them!