Saturday, September 12, 2009

The trip to remember

When you get off the boat- there she is- the Empress Hotel (no, we didn't stay there!)
Below- eating on the wharf
Craigdarroch Castle Breakfast room and view from outside
Biking around the bays and (below) dinner at Pagliaccis (not the pizza chain- locals and tourists alike stand in the rain for an hour to get into this tiny place- we know because we did: )

Stephen with a fabulous Mercedes at the boat/art/blues festival and the view from our bike ride

For at least a year I have been planning our 5th Anniversary trip. I started by calling my mom and asking her if she would be willing to keep a weekend in September open to come and watch the girls. No kiddies invited on this trip. They didn't seem to miss us much, and I was amazed how ok I was with being away from them. The first morning when we were gone and Grandma and Grandpa were there, Odessa was jumping around on the couch.
My Mom: "Is that Ok with your mommy?"
Odessa (jumping): "No, it's not ok with mommy, but it's ok with Grandma and Grandpa!" There was no looking back after that. I told mom to put them through Grandma and Grandpa Boot Camp please.

Stephen had been wanting to visit Victoria BC ever since we moved here, so that was the obvious pick since we could take the Victoria Clipper ferry on a fast 2 1/2 ride over the border. Su-weet. The stars aligned and Stephen's work had a furlough Friday before Labor Day long weekend. 4 days to vacation!

It has taken me a week to post about this trip because A) our camera lens finally gave up the ghost after the super glue repair (see this post) and I have been trying to scan in some photos taken on a disposable camera and B) with Stephen's Birthday and canning peaches, it was a busy week. I have also not quite unpacked from this trip yet. I refuse to admit the trip is over (like with the Buick, see a pattern?) and somehow having packed luggage sitting on my hope chest makes the memory seem more fresh and like maybe I will just take my bag and run off again for a few days. Ha ha. In all seriousness, a trip without kids is not just a refreshing break. It breathes new life into me as a mother- because any time it's hard to be at home with the kids (and when isn't it?), I can just conjure up the feeling of that trip and it's enough to get me through most any moment because I know the "idea" of a break can be a reality! Does that make sense? I hope so.

Synopsis of our trip in Dos and Don'ts (sorry, it's mostly about food- we're junkies I guess)

Do sit next to 2 old guys wearing Louisiana State paraphenalia on the ferry, they will entertain you for hours with their stories in southern drawl about the South and post-Katrina. They were here for the LSU:UW game Saturday and went to Victoria Friday. Plus you will run into all your ship mates in Victoria later that day which make you feel like you have tons of friends.

Do go to Butchart Gardens- no trip to Victoria is complete without it!

Don't wear all dressy clothes even if you want to remind yourself you are not just a creature of comfort and a mom. You might do permanent damage to your favorite black boots on the bricks of Butchart.

Do bring a pair of tennis shoes (see above) and tee shirt in case your hubby suggests renting bikes and you end up pedaling to Oak Bay and back (best day of the trip).

Do eat at Tapas Bar in Trounce Alley and order as many things as you want to share. Excellent food.

Do pick all restaurants according to local recommendations and whether they have tiny tables that would never fit children and votives that your kids would put their fingers in IF they were there. Dinner can be romantic out! Who knew?

Do tell the hotel you are celebrating your 5th Anniversary and Stephen's Birthday. You might get treats.

Do sleep in late if possible. Relish in the fact that no small children are jumping on your head.

Do eat at Willie's Bakery- delish breakfasts and hands down best OJ ever.

Don't worry if there are a few drops of rain, just keep your Seattle chin up, clouds may pass and defy the weather forecasts- it may be a beautiful day!

Do rent bikes from BC Bikes- cheap, cheap cheap all day and night rates!! Great way to see all of Victoria.

Don't bother paying loads to go on a whale watching trip, you can see them from the beach!! Of course it would have been great to see them up close I guess . . .

Do buy lots of Rogers Chocolates Victorian Cremes - they are heavenly.

Don't worry about lunch if you are just too far away from Barbs fish and chips at Fisherman's Wharf. You have only your schedule to keep! You can split 2 dinners later.

Do meet up with your friends the Otterstroms if they happen to be in town the same time as you! You'll get to catch up, see their baby Bjorn and how Inge has grown.

Do check out the boats at the boat festival and peruse through the booths of artists, you might find something you just can't live without:

Don't miss the Craigdarroch Castle. Don't spend too much time fretting how the poor family went from rags to riches to rags in about a generation or so. Too bad.

Do try the Nanaimo bars at the Olde Time Cafe on Government Street, they are divine.

Do try going to other churches (like an Anglican one) on a Sunday, it's enlightening.

Don't freak out if you don't have tea at the Empress Hotel. It's expensive and you can eat breakfast there for a lot cheaper and you can order tea- it comes in a cute teapot with a cuddly and you eat in the Empress Room- it's beautiful.

Do stand in a horrendously long line to go to the Royal BC Museum- it's worth it, especially on a rainy day.

Do order the DeNiro Antipasto at Pagliacci's (hole in the wall) and eat ALL the baked garlic (about 25 cloves) you won't regret it. Sweetest, nuttiest garlic I have ever had, like a pillow of flavor. And no side effects- seriously.

Do buy a vintage looking teapot from Murchie's, it will forever remind you of how "British" Victoria is as you sip tea or just hot chocolate from water boiled in it!

Whatever you do or don't do, I suggest finding a way to make a trip without your kids. Although I was surprised how Stephen and I didn't always want to do EXACTLY the same things, we still found that we love to have adventures and are sympatico 99% of the time. Quality time. I am already working on another trip, even if it means waiting five more years to go!

Butchart Garden bliss


Beth said...

Looks like a great and memorable weekend! The bike ride sounds great and I would love the gardens.
We loved the tapas place in Chicago, too--an interesting way to eat.
Kid free is like fresh air every now and then, isn't it?
Happy 5th anniversary.

Paula said...

Sounds so great! So you loved those SQUARES hey (aka Nanaimo bars), would you like a recipe? Ha ha. You can die the creamy centre different colors say green for Christmas. And those Anglicans......LOL My inlaws are Anglican and I was married in an Anglican church, similar tones to Catholic. Looks and sounded like an awesome trip! Tim and I need to do something sans kidlet......maybe once monkey is sleeping through the night 100% of the time, wouldn't want to put the grandparent's through that. I love how astute Odessa is, get away with EVERYTHING when grandma and grandpa are around! Happy 5th Anniversary!

Cara said...

What a fun trip and good advice, I think getting away is both good for the marriage and good for the relationship with the kids 'cause you do end up missing them and having more patience when you get back. :)

Corey said...

I'm so glad you had a great time alone. Every couple deserves it! Funny how Jeff and I are different people without the kids, I'm sure you two are as well. What a fun place to rekindle the magic!

bosslady said...

Sounds like fun. Glad you were able to have such a great vaycay!

Becky said...

Oh man...we are so doing this. I have never taken a trip without my kids. I just need to figure out who to leave my kids with and we are doing this! I'll just print out this post like a little tour guide.

Kate Otterstrom said...

It was so fun to see you Tara! I'm glad that you and Stephen had a nice trip sans children. Karl and I are already planning our 5th anniversary outing for next year. Sans children! They are darlings and I am always very glad to see them again, but sometimes it is fun to be a couple on a date again!

awtitera said...

I'm so glad you both enjoyed your vacation! You lucked out and had amazing weather... We are way too far away from BC now, so this will be on our list WHEN we move back! Baby Grant misses the girls- tell them he said hello. He's board with me at home all day and I don't know what to do with myself!

Nicole and Scott Kesten said...

awesome trip... i finally finished the post.. you know me too well.. i think i started it 4 times before :)hahaha

happy anniversary