Tuesday, February 16, 2010


My long-lived, unloved virus moved from my chest to my nose last week and took permanent residence there. I have not smelled or tasted much since last Tuesday. Wow, what a sensory impairment. And right on Valentines Day. Hope you enjoyed your steak honey, I can't taste mine at all. . . .
Anyway, sinus headaches and radiating pain through my whole face and teeth finally drove me to the Dr today and I got some antibiotics. yay. My sinus headache was so bad Friday night I was actually wishing that I was just giving natural birth again- seriously. When the PA asked me today on a pain scale how was my pain, I told her that and she just ran out and got me a script and offered to write one for codeine too. Turns out I am a big weenie when it comes to my sinuses.

Other headaches this weekend included the inspection on our would-be home purchase. What a deer-in-the-headlight experience for a first time home buyer. Yes, we reached mutual acceptance last week with the seller on a price. That led to the inspection on Friday. There were more things wrong than we suspected, but our inspector and realtor kept assuring us this was a normal length list. I just started imagining all the things we would have to fix as home owners. Stephen saw his Saturdays being sucked into home and yard care. We are not people that would shy away from this responsibility, we come from long lines of people who worked hard to improve their homes and had huge gardens and tons of yard work. I guess renting has spoiled us a bit. I had a hard time focusing all weekend on the numbers game: what are we going to ask her to fix and what monetary credits will we ask for? Stephen kept changing our loan scenarios and I had to just excuse myself and lie down once in a while. That guy just can't sit still when he's home. Good thing we are getting him the biggest project- ever.
We'll know in 3 days if she accepts our terms or not and I should know by then if this antibiotic is helping me kick this for once and for all.


Becky said...

Feel better soon!! I hate being sick, and coupled with this nice weather=torture!!
Fingers crossed on your home! I'm excited for you guys!

Beth said...

I am sorry you are sick!

You are a great writer--it's fun to read, even when you are writing about something awful!

Best wishes on the house.

Kim Dewey said...

I had that same cold for about 3 weeks. The thing that finally got rid of it for me was a trip to Hawaii. I would highly recommend it!

However, when we returned home we found that the roof of our covered patio transformed into a lean-to while we were gone. Apparently it wasn't built to withstand 12+ inches of snow --- go figure in Texas. I tell you this to illustrate that the list the inspector found is only half the problems your house really has! You will find the others slowly and steadily over the next few years. And FYI, the ones he didn't find always turn out to be the most expensive! Our weekend outings have been drastically reduced since buying our home. But it's worth it.

Danielle said...

I hope they gave you something stronger than amoxocilin. My ENT doc told me most bugs our darling kids bring home to us are immune to it now.
I can tell you from the I'm-90%-better-stage that you will get through this horrible bug eventually. :) After a double ear infection AND a sinus infection, I am now mostly human again!
As for the house, we are looking at one that might have a similar inspection scenario...I am nervous to even begin the process. Good luck. I hope she accepts your offer and I would love to hear all about this sometime.

Larsen said...

Good luck on setting on that..... And I AM SO SORRY TO hear that you aren't well still.

My heart goes out to you!

Michelle M said...

I'm a wimp with a cold, too. I sleep in (when Derrick allows), take medicine all day, and take naps. My preferred method of enduring through a cold is sleeping!

Cara said...

So sorry, I can totally relate with the cold and the headaches. After my son's birth the nurses asked me how I was able to stay in control so well and my answer was that I've had migraines, so I'm used to pain. So I guess just count your blessings that you can take medication and try to take it easy. Don't stress about the house, it'll all work out.