Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Peel me off the ceiling

My agent warned me she would have to peel me off the ceiling when she told me what the counter offer on the house was last night. I didn't get that upset . . . . initially. Then I started thinking about it later and I admit, I got a bit huffy. Does this woman want to sell a house or not? Because she is not acting that way.
We asked her to fix a few things and also adjust the negotiated price to compensate for the things we would have to fix. Not only is she only fixing one item (the rest she says are fine) she changed the price to make up for the things she is fixing!! Essentially, she gave us a WORSE deal than we had before! Unbelievable. So we are giving her one more chance and if she doesn't come around, the rambler is history and we move on to other houses. Gotta start looking around again. . . .


mandy* said...

When this is all over, let's have a party. We'll call it the So-Glad-We-Don't-Have-To-Deal-With-This-Crazy-Lady-Anymore party. Whether you end up taking the house or not - we're doing it.

Larsen said...

Can I come to the party mandy is suggesting?? What a crazy lady.

Suzy A. said...

The fact that it's a buyers market and the seller isn't going to get as much as they want for their house is a really hard concept for some people. Our sellers were the same way...just hang in there, you'll get the right house.

Becky said...

Oh no. This is the stuff nightmares are made of....
good luck!

Beth said...

Crazy that she gave you a worse deal!

Corey said...

Lame! Maybe it's just not meant to be and deep down she just wants to hold on to her house. It must be hard giving it up after so many years and thinking it's worth a certain amount but not getting it since the market it so tough right now. I have a feeling something better is in store for you anyway! I'm sure it sucks due to the time crunch, but you really should have the pick of the market right now. Somethings coming right around the corner, I can feel it!!!